Thursday, November 5, 2009

I heart NaNo

As you can see from our badge on the side, this year we're taking part in NaNo-- the whole blog!! Last year the three of us each embarked on the NaNo adventure and we now have finished drafts of novels to show from all our work. We all hit the NaNo 50k word goal within a month (astonishing) and then finished our novels in the following months. I'm still revising my novel from last NaNo, but I'm beyond excited to be working on a new project.

This year I'm writing a YA Fantasy/coming-of-age novel. It makes a change from last year's Urban Fantasy/Time Slip novel. I have to say that editing and writing at the same time seems to work best for me. It makes me feel less pressured, as if all my eggs aren't in the same basket (or something).

So, what are you all up to? Any other NaNo-ers out there? If so, feel free to friend me-- I'm imaginatively called: gennstone.

I have to cut this blog short and get in some more words before the husband comes home and we stare at some of the fireworks going off as I type this (its Bonfire Night here in the UK). But I promise more updates soon!

8877 (and counting)

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