Sunday, August 2, 2009


A Little About Angel:

While Angel has been writing for some time now, she's only just learned to finish what she starts. She has two books in the editing phase and one in the middle of being written -- and none of them has the same genre. The first one was a stand-alone murder mystery. The second, her first NANOWRIMO win, is the first book in what will be a modern fairytale trilogy. And the third can best be described as a spy novel set in space. As you might be able to tell, she's still looking for her niche.

She also looking for a Nom-de-Plume: her last name is about as long and complex as you can get without silent js and zs.

But, more on that some other time.

She is looking forward to supporting Ginny and Jennifer (and the rest of our writing clan) in their endeavors in their writing and share some of her own strengths and struggles. And, at some point in all of this, get published. She can be contacted at